Xin (Donald) Lin

Hi! I am a Ph.D student in the Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Michigan. All my academic works are under the name Xin Lin. However, I generally prefer to be called by Donald.


Bob and Betty Beyster Building

2260 Hayward Street

Ann Arbor, MI 48109

My research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning and healthcare. I am a member of the Machine Learning for Data-Driven Decisions (MLD3) research group under the Michigan AI Lab. I am fortunate to be co-advised by Prof. Jenna Wiens and Prof. Maggie Makar.

Before UMich, I graduated from Davidson College with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Mathematics. I was advised by Prof. Raghu Ramanujan and Prof. Yan Zhuang. At Davidson, I have worked in reinforcement learning and decision-making, and explored applications in nuclear physics and chess. For more details, please refer to the projects section.

Please feel free to email me at dxinlin [at] umich [dot] edu for any questions, or just to say hi!


May 12, 2024 I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Davidson College.