
During my undergraduate years at Davidson, I worked as a TA/grader for several math, CS, and physics-related courses. Here are some of the courses and roles I’ve taken on.

Davidson College

  • PHY-125 General Physics I w/Calc (34 students) - Fall 2022
  • PHY-235 General Physics II w/Calc (27 students) - Spring 2023
  • MAT-235 Differential Equations (28 students) - Fall 2023
  • Math/CS General Tutor: Counseled 20+ students with coding (Python, Java) and computational topics like Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Discrete Structures - Fall 2022 - Current
  • Chinese Apprentice Teacher: Mentored 20+ students through 100+ instructional hours, facilitated advanced topic lectures, and assisted students’ independent research projects - Fall 2021 - Spring 2022

I find great enjoyment in tutoring and am eager to continue this path in my future academic pursuits. Particularly, I am passionate about supporting students from minority backgrounds, drawing on my own experiences as a first-generation college student. If you believe I could be of any sort of help, please don’t hesitate to reach out!